Dating Sites For 20s

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When you read the words “dating in your 20s” what comes to mind?

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Maybe it’s late-night drunk texts. Or is it that person you dated who was scared of commitment?

While most of our minds may immediately go to something negative, that’s not the way it has to be.

There are many ways to improve the typical 20-something dating scenarios.

Here are some common scenarios that happen when you’re dating in your 20s and our advice on how to handle them better.

How to Succeed at Dating in Your 20s

Scenario: Things are moving too quickly

Do you ever feel like you’ve just lived through an entire relationship with someone in three weeks? You’re not alone.

Since the introduction of dating apps, it often feels like relationships are in fast-forward mode.

For example, you may match with someone on Thursday. Go out with them on Friday and spend the weekend in their bedroom.

But then, on Sunday morning you discover that they don’t like pancakes. So, on Monday you break up.

I mean, your S.O. has to share your breakfast opinions, right? No, not necessarily.

How to do it better

There are pros and cons to this rapid-fire way of dating in your 20s.

On one hand, you sort through people faster. This may be more efficient if you’re dating to find “the one”.

On the other hand, you may be writing people off before you get to know them properly.

After all, it’s easy to be turned off by someone’s messy apartment. It’s not so easy when you’ve discovered what makes them special.

If you tend to be a speedster when it comes to romance, try taking things slower than normal.

You may find that you like people better when you’re not immediately putting them on the fast-track to be your next significant other.

Or, you may find that you put up with less BS when you haven’t already committed to someone in your mind.

Scenario: You’re in a “situationship”

If you read that first paragraph and thought, “what do you mean things progress fast? I’ve been in limbo with the same guy for the last year”. You’re also not alone.

It seems like many people in their 20s find it tricky to define their relationship.

This can lead to a “situationship” and they can be super stressful.

One week you’re feeling lovestruck and bubbly.

But the next you’re wondering if your partner, who’s not quite your partner, is sleeping with their co-worker.

You worry if it’s OK for you to say something to them. I mean, technically you’re both still single. But inside, you feel hurt.

Sounds complicated, right? Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon.

How to do it better

First off, don’t be too hard on yourself if you relate this scenario.

Secondly, take some time to ask yourself what you want from this person.

Do you see a happy future with them? Or are you only hung up on them because you feel like you should be in a relationship?

Then talk to them about what you want. Maybe they also want to set some boundaries.

And if having this kind of adult conversation scares them away, they probably weren’t the right connection for you anyway.

Moving forward without them means you can pursue more fulfilling connections instead. Sometimes breaking up is the best thing to do!

Scenario: You feel like the odd-one-out

There’s no right way to date in your 20s.

Many will tell you that your 20s are for finding yourself. Others will swear by marrying their high school sweetheart and buying a home at 25.

There may be a point where you feel like all your friends are in relationships and you’re as single as a dollar bill.

If this happens, don’t worry.

How to do it better

Social media makes it easier than ever to feel like we’re falling behind our friends. But this isn’t the case.

Try to remember that everyone forges their own path. What’s right for your bestie from middle school may not be right for you.

It’s better to succeed in feeling secure with yourself than to jump into a relationship.

Focus on other aspects of your life. Appreciate your career, friends, or traveling instead of over-analyzing your dating life.

Scenario: You feel heartbroken


Whether you’ve been ghosted or let go by your college sweetheart, there may be times in your 20s when you feel heartbroken.

Every breakup is different, but they’re rarely easy.

How to do it better

Remember that this heartbreak won’t last forever. One day you’ll feel better and you’ll learn from this relationship.

Remind yourself that you’re young and have so much life ahead of you.

Dating Sites For 20-30


Avoid throwing yourself into a new relationship ASAP.

Instead, invest in something that benefits your independence. Learn to nurture yourself instead of a partner! You’re worth it.

Dating in your 20s can feel like a minefield. But it can also feel like a playground!

Concentrate on who and what makes you feel good. Pursue your dreams, learn from your mistakes, and take chances!

By focusing on the things that make you happy, you’ll create a future that you’ll be proud of.

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Life in your early 20s is a far different look than life in your late twenties/early 30s. In fact, it’s quite honestly day and night. In your early twenties, you are finding yourself and possibly making tons of mistakes along the way. You are just figuring out who you are and have zero clue where you want your life to go. You’re more concerned about what’s going on next Friday night than what’s going on with your 5-year-plan. When you’re young and reckless, you are living in the “here and now,” not the “here and now I have a lot of debt and I’m going to get checked for a STI.”

Not only is life different from your early 20’s to your late 20’s — but so is dating. Everything you thought you knew about dating changes as you get older. You are wiser. Wiser about who you date and how you date. Things that might seem like nothing when you were younger and more carefree, are big red flags as you get older. There are different dating rules because the name of the dating game has changed.

Below are the rules for dating in your late 20s and 30s.

Do Think Out Of The Dating Box

When you were younger, you didn’t worry about how you might meet a potential partner. That’s what college parties were for. But now as you are out of the college scene and the there’s no office cuties at work, you’ve got to search elsewhere. That’s when you have to go where you never thought you would go before — to an online dating service. When you are in your late 20s and 30s you’ve probably signed up for Tinder, OkCupid and more. When you realized those didn’t work, you opted to pay for the more upscale ones, such as, eHarmony or Match. Hiring a matchmaker isn’t quite off the dating menu just yet. Putting yourself out there in ways you never thought you would is dating in your late 20s — get used to it.

Be Clear And Direct With Your Dates

You ain’t got time for “games.” So, one way to weed out the bad ones from the good ones is being upfront and honest about what you want. This isn’t coming on “too strong,” it’s coming off as a mature adult looking to find something real. If you want to just hook-up that’s fine, but the person you are seeing still deserves to know that’s where you are at. When you play games in dating, nobody wins.

Be Prepared With Annoying Questions

As you get older, society and all of your family members are going to think you should be married with children by now. Even though you know you aren’t ready for this step, or maybe you will never want that (which is okay), you better be prepared to answer those annoying questions. When are you going to settle down? Why are you still single? Blah, blah blah. So, before going to family gatherings or seeing old friends from high school, prepare for questions as if you are going to be interviewed by Barbara Walters.

It’s All About The Location

Location matters in many ways as you get older and wiser. First off, where you meet another person changes. No more finding a quality person at a bar. Unless you’re that one girl I know, and if so, how did you do it?! Now you have to go to other places in search of Mr. or Ms. Right. This is where work parties, the gym and other social gatherings come into play. Think of your interests and hobbies and make like Columbus and get your search on.

Best Dating Sites For 20s

STIs Are A Real Fear

Not like they are never a real fear, but when you’re older you are more aware of how scary and common they are. As you enter into your later 20s, you realize your number of sexual partners are going up and so are your partner’s partners (if that makes any sense). So the likelihood of you meeting a person with an STI is quite possible. Cue dramatic music, and also me being a hypochondriac. Regardless, when you date in your late 20’s it’s crucial you are aware of the statistics of STI’s, their symptoms and first and foremost, that you are having safe sex.

Do Not Compare Your Life To Others

Your life changes as you grow into your later 20s and early 30s. This is clearly seen via Facebook and Instagram. Your friends who used to upload drunken friday night photos are now posting pictures of their babies. You start seeing engagement photos, wedding photos and more baby photos than a Baby Gap catalog. Don’t feel the need to rush your life because others may be in a different time in their life. You are where you need to be right now. Trust that.

Dating Sites For 20s

Speak Up In The Bedroom

Best Online Dating Sites For 20s

When you were younger, you probably faked a lot of things — reading the assigned chapter for homework, smiles as you saw your old friends from your hometown and orgasms. But now as you have aged a little, you don’t want to fake a damn thing. Now that you are more mature, you have found your voice. Use that voice in the bedroom and speak up about your wants and needs. Plus, I hear every time you fake an orgasm an angel loses it’s wings.

Image: Justin Gaynor/Flickr; GIFs/Giphy